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Jul 27, 2009 Anant Singh rated it really liked it
Best book for all those who consider Ambedkar as god or an architect of moder india ...
This book is what I personally categorise as contrary literature, There is an aura about Ambedkar in India and lot of that is result of caste politics. After all every single politician in India no matter which side of spectrum he/she falls on, would line up to pay homage to this guy, for normal population he would seem like a superman who single handedly wrote constitution of India and was epitome of what a person should be like.
Well not according to this book, if even 10% of the things written This book is what I personally categorise as contrary literature, There is an aura about Ambedkar in India and lot of that is result of caste politics. After all every single politician in India no matter which side of spectrum he/she falls on, would line up to pay homage to this guy, for normal population he would seem like a superman who single handedly wrote constitution of India and was epitome of what a person should be like.
Well not according to this book, if even 10% of the things written in this book are true and not taken out of context and presented in wrong light, one is bound to realise that basic theory of all politicians in the country is nothing but short sighted vote bank politics. The people who have responsibility of presenting history in right context for future generations are deliberately misrepresenting the facts and twisting them in order to further their personal gains. And their seems to be no gainsaying of the fact that biggest loser of this is the very minority in whose name all this dirty game is being played.
Book is written not based on thoughts of feelings but hard facts where sources are being mentioned and available in public domain. One thing I believe could have been added is one chapter about Ambedkar early life and one chapter about untouchable minority in India and the course of history so far. However book is very well written, a bit hard to read but nonetheless a good effort which is worth going through. ...more
Mar 19, 2013 Suhas Nagaraj rated it it was amazing
Excellent book which describes the mentality of Ambedkarites and shows the reasons why British were so successful in holding India for so long. It also describes how our Constitution evolved and most surprising is how much of articles were borrowed from the Government of India Act, 1935. Simple amazing!!
Dec 03, 2012 Abhijit Vaidya rated it really liked it
The title itself suggests what the book is all about.The book is divided in 3 main sections.
1) Role of Ambedkar as freedom fighter, how he opposed Congress (esp. Gandhi) and freedom movement.
2) Social reform - Ambedkar's way of social reform vs Gandhi's way of social reform. This section covers Pune pact.
3) Third part explains in detail how constitution of India evolved through various committees since 1925 and the roles for major players involved in this process.
At the end, Arun Shourie shares
The title itself suggests what the book is all about.The book is divided in 3 main sections.
1) Role of Ambedkar as freedom fighter, how he opposed Congress (esp. Gandhi) and freedom movement.
2) Social reform - Ambedkar's way of social reform vs Gandhi's way of social reform. This section covers Pune pact.
3) Third part explains in detail how constitution of India evolved through various committees since 1925 and the roles for major players involved in this process.
At the end, Arun Shourie shares his experiences after publishing the first edition and answers FAQs regarding the book.
Quite intriguing book with many loose ends. This book will prop more question in your mind than it answers. Arun Shourie Again Brought Very Interesting Political View to light. Must read for ppl who are curious to know more about Ambedkar, Indian History, constitution.
Oct 04, 2019 Ajay rated it it was amazing
Quite an exhaustive detail book. It has way too much information but that's the thing about Arun Shourie, when he wants to prove his point he will show lots of facts, data and with so many backing. Quite an exhaustive detail book. It has way too much information but that's the thing about Arun Shourie, when he wants to prove his point he will show lots of facts, data and with so many backing. ...more
Today there hangs a cloud of fear and intimidation over the country. Much as the leftist liberal intellectuals may hold those on the right wing responsible for this, they cannot escape from the fact that they have also contributed to this climate by being selectively outraged over the outbursts of intimidation. They have, over the years, demolished many an ancient idol(both figuratively and literally) in their new found zeal for propagating their world view. They have also been highly critical o Today there hangs a cloud of fear and intimidation over the country. Much as the leftist liberal intellectuals may hold those on the right wing responsible for this, they cannot escape from the fact that they have also contributed to this climate by being selectively outraged over the outbursts of intimidation. They have, over the years, demolished many an ancient idol(both figuratively and literally) in their new found zeal for propagating their world view. They have also been highly critical of Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and Rajendra Prasad and exercise their full freedom of expression while trying to belittle their achievements. These modern priests of new gods of 20th century have, in the place of the idols of those gods who have been overthrown, installed new idols and are eloquent on the greatness of these neo Gods. They are silent on intolerance of the followers of these Bhakts of new Gods. One of those Gods, who have come to dominate the imagination of the left liberals is Dr. Ambedkar. In his well researched book, drawing heavily on the documents on Transfer of Power and Constituent Assembly debates, Shourie brings out the role of Dr. Ambedkar during freedom movement and repudiates the myth that Dr. Ambedkar is the sole author of Constitution of India. Mourning the trend of "repudiating its(india's) own gods, its own traditions, its own history and starting worshiping the gods of conquerors" , Shourie has minced no words in attacking a culture of " trading in the name of dispossessed by groups which have become a law unto themselves by enforcing a brand of history through verbal terrorism and actual assault" . Any person having a basic knowledge of constitutional history of India will be aware that Constitution of India was evolved through the collective thinking of many freedom fighters and hard work of so many people have gone into the shaping of the Constitution. Thus to confer the exclusive authorship of the Constitution on a single individual and make him a Manu of our ages is an attempt by vested interests to erase a part of the history. Shourie points out the fact that the Dr. Ambedkar was never a part of the freedom movement. He was an instrument in the hands of the British, as a part of Viceroy's Council during Quit India movement and he played an active role in thwarting the efforts of nationalist leaders during the freedom movement. Shourie writes touchingly and emotionally about the events leading the Poona Pact. It was only through the courtesy of a broad minded Congress leadership, the predominant force in the Constituent Assembly, Mr. Ambedkar was elected to the constituent Assembly and subsequently was made head of the Drafting Committee of the Constitution. Shourie delves deeply into the Constituent Assembly Debates to show how the Indian Constitution was a "product of iterations, of revisions and adoption and re-opening and recasting " – a document evolved over the years through the contribution of so many people, most of them unsung and not remembered today. And to his credit Dr. Ambedkar rose to the occasion and contributed his legal acumen in drafting the Constitution. But conferring authorship of the Constitution entirely on him is an attempt by vested interests who wanted to create an icon of depressed classes to further their political interests. Dr. Ambedkar himself had acknowledged the fact that Constitution was the culmination of joint efforts of many stalwarts. But the vested interests, who swear by him, have no respect for opposite view and have created a climate of fear and intimidation in which even liberal thinkers are afraid to speak. Incidentally, Shourie traces to this poison and bitterness of followers of Dr. Ambedkar to Dr. Ambedkar himself. Shourie has quoted Ortega Y Gasset, a Spanish philosopher to hold that these interests have created " an ideology in which mediocrity is the norm, in which vulgarity is the right, in which the civility and reason are the veneer of the well –to-do, in which intimidation is argument, and assault is proof. " This highly polemical and yet informative book is as relevant today as 20 years ago when it was published. This is all the more relevant as memories of sacrifices of many people who have laid down their life for freedom are erased from history and a cult following, highly intolerant of opposite views and supported by a political class hungry for power, of partisan leaders has emerged. Some repetitions of ideas and some factual errors(page 506 referring to amendment of Article 19 relating to freedom of expression – the Constitutional Amendment Act referred to was 16th and not 14th as mentioned) could have been avoided in otherwise a good scholarly book. ...more
Jun 14, 2021 Maydha rated it did not like it
Click bait title to attract upper caste/class people who still harbour feeling of supremacy and want to abolish reservations (affirmative action) altogether! Wonder if Shourie has even read Ambedkar's own literature in entirety to understand why he opposed Congress and Gandhi who focused only on political reforms without social reforms. A good start for him would be "Annihilation of Caste"!Mr Tilak had opposed British from banning Sati tradition, under the pretext that it would be "foreign inter
Click bait title to attract upper caste/class people who still harbour feeling of supremacy and want to abolish reservations (affirmative action) altogether! Wonder if Shourie has even read Ambedkar's own literature in entirety to understand why he opposed Congress and Gandhi who focused only on political reforms without social reforms. A good start for him would be "Annihilation of Caste"!Mr Tilak had opposed British from banning Sati tradition, under the pretext that it would be "foreign interference" in "Hindu's internal matters"... sounds familiar? And as a WOMAN myself, I cannot but feel disgusted and disappointed by such thought process of so called political reformers! So Tilak had no hard feelings about letting thousands of women get burnt alive, because of his adamancy about political sovereignty to establish a "Hindu state"... where he wasn't sure whether he would ban such savage practices!
Dr Ambedkar opposed "such" political reforms that ignored the glastly state of social injustice! Can we really hold him guilty of that stand, given the abject discrimination and inhuman, unequal social treatment that he rose from?
Political reforms at the cost of continued social injustice on certain sections of society, is a luxury afforded by only upper caste and upper class people... more precisely men in those communities... even women aren't that lucky!
Dec 07, 2019 SANJAY rated it it was amazing
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. I spent 23 years of my life from the age of 10, growing up in India. It was drummed into us in school that there was only one architect, only one man who wrote the Constitution of India. My ignorance was shattered by this book. I found out that there was not one man who contributed to the Constitution of India but brilliant lawmakers from many states. One of those was Ch Ranbir Singh Hood, a prominent Haryana Lawmaker. Ranbir Singh Hooda had set a record for being a member of seven different hou I spent 23 years of my life from the age of 10, growing up in India. It was drummed into us in school that there was only one architect, only one man who wrote the Constitution of India. My ignorance was shattered by this book. I found out that there was not one man who contributed to the Constitution of India but brilliant lawmakers from many states. One of those was Ch Ranbir Singh Hood, a prominent Haryana Lawmaker. Ranbir Singh Hooda had set a record for being a member of seven different houses in India's democratic history, a feat that has been registered and acknowledged by the Limca Book of Records.
This book is a must read if u want to understand modern India. It brilliantly shatters that myth that Bhim Rao Ambedkar was the sole author and architect of the Indian Constitution. The book is perceived to be an insult by people of certain political castes , caste systems who even till this day show their ignorance by insulting the author and his disabled son. Read it with an open mind. It's important to know fact from farce, truth from story tale. The myth was propagated by certain political parties as strategy to gain votes and is still perpetuated till this day. References are given throughout the book to check history archives where ever the author thought there were statements that might be challenged.
This book carries a special relevance in 2019 when the word 'Fakenews' is a reality. Once again please read and keep discussion civilised and healthy, based on facts. I hope you will learn something from this book. I know I did.
Aug 20, 2020 Tarun Goel rated it did not like it
One of the best book for readers who want to close their eyes and just believe what is said and want to believe on false narrations, in some sense it has became a dictation because it doesn't let you think was it real it just pushes you towards the Direction in which author wants you to go, content has lots of snipping of facts which wouldn't have allowed the author to show his feelings towards one of the great social reformer India had, wasn't expecting this concious blunder from such an achiev One of the best book for readers who want to close their eyes and just believe what is said and want to believe on false narrations, in some sense it has became a dictation because it doesn't let you think was it real it just pushes you towards the Direction in which author wants you to go, content has lots of snipping of facts which wouldn't have allowed the author to show his feelings towards one of the great social reformer India had, wasn't expecting this concious blunder from such an achieved scholar. ...more
May 22, 2020 Vinay rated it it was amazing
Absolutely brilliant... Lot of guts to take on this subject
Nov 04, 2021 Ninja rated it it was amazing
Arun Shourie is not my favourite politician or author but he a rare public figure- one that courageous. The facts about Ambedkar have been free for all to access and judge him. But foul attacks and immediate slander of his critics have made a book like this almost impossible.A must-read sketch of ambedkar's activities that most of his admirers haven't been told.
I think I haven't read a more poorly edited book than this. Same quotes/incidences have been repeated several times in the book. Every thing that author tells in the book could have been told in atmost 50 pages. I think I haven't read a more poorly edited book than this. Same quotes/incidences have been repeated several times in the book. Every thing that author tells in the book could have been told in atmost 50 pages. ...more
There is process called editing which is missing in this book. There are some good arguments with substantiation by the author but hte book is too damn boring.
Indian economist, journalist, author and politician.He has worked as an economist with the World Bank, a consultant to the Planning Commission of India, editor of the Indian Express and The Times of India and a Minister of Communications and Information Technology in the Vajpayee Ministry (1998–2004). He was awarded the Ramon Magsaysay Award in 1982 and the Padma Bhushan in 1990.
Popularly perceive
Indian economist, journalist, author and politician.He has worked as an economist with the World Bank, a consultant to the Planning Commission of India, editor of the Indian Express and The Times of India and a Minister of Communications and Information Technology in the Vajpayee Ministry (1998–2004). He was awarded the Ramon Magsaysay Award in 1982 and the Padma Bhushan in 1990.
Popularly perceived as one of the main Hindu nationalist intellectuals during the 90s and early 2000s.
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